Study Tools.
We believe that it is important for every believer to take time to read and study the Word. These are some free, online tools that you may find useful in your own personal study time.
Online Study Tools
Bible Study Tools has a great collection of free resources, such as Commentaries, Concordances, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Apocrypha Books, and Lexicons.
Blue Letter Bible has a great collection of Commentaries, a Gospel Harmony, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Charts and Outlines, Timelines, Maps, Grammars, Theology Resources, and more.
Bible Hub is an excellent resource, with tools such as Maps, Commentaries, Concordances, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Greek and Hebrew Study tools, Interlinears, a Gospel Harmony, and more.
The ISBE is one of the most popular Bible Encyclopedia's in the world, and is considered the gold standard by most pastors. They have the entire Encyclopedia listed for free on their website.
Logos is the premier study tool for any in-depth Bible study. They offer a basic version of their program for free, giving you over 40 study resources including commentaries, dictionaries, Study Bibles, Devotionals, Lexicons, a Systematic Theology, and more. You can also download their app to access your resources on your phone or tablet.
Olive Tree is another study tool that, like Logos, gives you a free app to download on your device. Olive Tree gives you access to a ton of resources such as Commentaries, Study Bibles, Dictionaries, and more.
Definitions & Tutorials
A Bible Commentary is a written, systematic series of explanations and interpretations of Scripture. They are usually written verse by verse, and give context, background, and explanation to what is written in the Bible. If you have a Study Bible, an example of a Commentary would be the study notes at the bottom of each page.
A Bible Concordance is a reference tool that provides a list of all the words in the Bible alphabetically, followed by the places that they are used in Scripture. This allows you to see how a word is used in many different sentences throughout Scripture, which gives a better feel for the original or intended meaning of that word by the author.
Bible Dictionary
A Bible Dictionary is a reference tool that contain detailed definitions (and sometimes Encyclopedic entries) relating to everything in the Bible, typically people, places, customs, doctrines, and Biblical criticism.
Bible Encyclopedia
Bible Encyclopedia's are practical and easy to use references that explain significant words in the Bible, give information on the language, literature, and culture around the Bible, and explain in detail the historical and religious environments of the people of the Bible. Like Dictionaries, they detail people, places and customs.
Lexicon's are dictionaries of foreign languages. They explain what words mean, where they come from, and all of the ways in which they have been used throughout Scripture, including all of it's possible interpretations / definitions. They are advanced study tools, but invaluable to understanding the intent of the author.
Gospel Harmony / Synopsis
A Gospel Harmony is an attempt to put the four Gospels together into one single, chronological account of events. Some Harmony's are written as a single merged narrative, some (Synopsis) give each gospel a column next to each other to show where the Gospel accounts overlap, and where they do not line up.
Maps and Charts
Bible Maps and Charts are a way to portray what has happened in scripture visually. For example, maps are especially useful in tracking Paul's progress during his mission trips in Acts. Charts are especially useful in tracking information in a visual way, such as Genealogies or the way in which different theme's progress through books and letters in the Bible
Systematic Theology's
A systematic Theology is an attempt to put together an orderly, rational, and coherent list of the doctrines and beliefs of the Christian faith. They usually include lots of scripture references to support their theological beliefs. Theologies are usually different depending on the faith tradition you come from, so it is good to be aware of which tradition the theology was written for / in.
An interlinear is an excellent tool for studying the Greek and Hebrew words at a fairly accessible level for everyone. Interlinears usually list the English translation of the passage, with the Greek or Hebrew word below it. Most online Interlinear tools will link the Greek or Hebrew word directly to an online Concordance or Lexicon, as well as some grammatical information.